Alpine & Expedition Courses
Each year Andrew Lock Adventures runs a series of Alpine Training Courses aimed at different skill levels, which are designed to introduce people to the alpine world and to build upon the skills of those with existing experience. The courses are conducted in the Snowy Mountains of NSW.
The two day Essential Alpine Skills course is designed for those who wish to learn how to safely enjoy the mountain environment without the need for technical mountaineering skills.
The three day Introduction to Mountaineering course is for those who wish to learn the basics of general mountain climbing or for those who have specific (non techncial) mountaineering goals, such as an ascent of Kilimanjaro, Mera Peak or Island Peak. This course includes an ascent of Mt Kosciuszko on the third day.
The four day Advanced Mountaineering and Ice Climbing Course is for those with existing rope handling and basic rock or alpine skills, wanting to explore the next level of technical climbing both in general mountaineering and specific ice climbing.
Private Consulting and Tuition. Tailor made instruction and mentoring for yourself and/or your team, specific to your dates and goals.
Email enquiries@andrewlockadventures.com for further information and/or to discuss the best (and most fun) package for you.
Click here for Booking Forms, recommended Clothing and Equipment lists and General Information about visiting Australia's Snowy Mountains.